tài shǐ
意思解释:(Big only then)指开始形成万物的混沌之气。 指元气。
Primitive; is original. on easy · copulative : Gather up Sha of part of the day of Qiao of ぷ of slash of bed! Stupid child shellfish spade male know big only then person, with male the gas that is Tianyang, everythings on earth all only then depend on gas, reason Yun Zhiji is big only then also. is · of The Book of Rites happy write down : Coat is planted of bed slash climbs over a wall the Sha that reflect part of the day! of our P big only then, of 100 content only then unripe also. ...
大组词、始组词、 罅缝、凶疏、购拿、徽客、愁苦、火烬、随扈、栖皇、门墙、访逮、囊家、改窆、攮嗓、美洲、砂壶、鱼兽、东桥、枯林、按抑、大始、