dōng qiáo
意思解释:(East the bridge)指灞桥。因在长安东,故称。
Discharge of of situation of hollow male rock, horizontal river of 100 a unit of length walks along old flood dragon. Lowing water puts in a bundle 's charge into the brook, zhang river goes to sea the 3rd. Name scholar learns to abandon today decayed, wild fellow-townsman village is more lonesome. Far Wang Mosong involves next ways, war cloud anxious is miserable not total need.
东组词、桥组词、 浑杂、奉尘、银棨、罅缝、凶疏、购拿、徽客、愁苦、火烬、随扈、栖皇、门墙、访逮、囊家、改窆、攮嗓、美洲、砂壶、鱼兽、东桥、