shā hú
意思解释:(Arenaceous crock)用粘土为原料烧制成的陶质壶类之一。
Renown contented crock, commonly used come decoct Chinese traditional medicine, also show his chela crosses violet arenaceous kettle give that entrance door, the rear foot receives that violet arenaceous crock for him with respect to somebody in the past. (Bark Ceng Qi a person of academic or artistic distinction of duck of chicken of · of free market of Wang Cengqi work ) people discovery, the quick result that there is a bottle to did not give out only on his body saves a heart bolus and relieve a cough medicine... a Chinese traditional medicine is below the bed arenaceous crock and one...
砂组词、壶组词、 深隐、日畿、浑杂、奉尘、银棨、罅缝、凶疏、购拿、徽客、愁苦、火烬、随扈、栖皇、门墙、访逮、囊家、改窆、攮嗓、美洲、砂壶、