
nǎng sǎng

意思解释:(Stab throat)亦作“攮颡”。 填喉咙。谓人吃相不雅,狼吞虎咽者的不敬之词。含讥讽义。




< is moved > eat (derogatory sense) . Lu Guanhua of look forward to. Shandong. wake is world the fate brings lovers together passed the 78th: Cling to thick  of exhaust of  Tang blanket breaks through  to captive of Yin of  of Guo of rash cattail Ling makes fun of  Yong Piao of ┤ of Ze of the Huaihe River displays  of ィ of  of Song of cherry  laborious to ancient name for a water catltrop Ku of Hui of  of bang of crock of  of chaste tree of Yan of badge of Ban of shellfish of dark blue of  of K of ァ of Song  Huan San!

