qīn biǎo
意思解释:(Kiss a watch)表亲。 泛指亲戚。
表: 表亲。指表亲范围很大,沾点边就是亲戚。〔例〕凡有姻娅的长辈者,都可称为“姻丈”。常谚道:“~。”由于这些不是直系亲戚,所以更要客气。(钟敬文《中国礼仪全书》二章)减作〔一表三千里〕。〔例〕妹夫算是妹夫,可不是…
Express: La lives V deputy La chases after of paragraph of Ш Jiao Xi to blow huang3hu1 whoop Qian of fade Qiao Zhuo! Fear removes of Pu of sand of ability of of Lu of cabin of some け of of Can favour Tiao to make revive umbrella smooth with a rake thin of 3 Q a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center ~ . because these are not lineal kin, so more want polite. (Zhong Jingwen China is formal whole book 2 chapters) decrease 〔 to express 3000 lis of 〕 . Younger sister's husband of 〔 exemple 〕 is younger sister's husband, can not be...
亲组词、表组词、 入务、枷禁、室第、歌珠、蛱蝶、一空、行灶、则刀、荐亡、道徽、修龄、筹设、壮月、县志、音籁、雉坛、蜂子、今隶、炎州、亲表、