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意思解释:(Pu Lu)即果蠃。一种细腰的蜂。《礼记·中庸》:“夫政也者,蒲卢也。”郑玄注:“蒲卢,蜾嬴,谓土蜂也。《诗》曰:'螟蛉有子,蜾嬴负之。'螟蛉,桑虫也,蒲卢取桑虫之子去而变化之,以成为己子,政之于百姓,若蒲卢之于桑虫然。”一说为芦苇。见朱熹集注。后因以“蒲卢”比喻对百姓的教化。 一种细腰的葫芦。 复姓。春秋时齐国有蒲卢胥。
A kind of bee. Er elegant · commentate bug : of cliff of of Ang ! of exhausted fraud namely fine waist bee also. ② clam is belonged to. wide elegant · commentate fish : Cling to of cliff of of ⒏ Ying is ill! of hail Meng ! Ton of apricot a low bank of earth between fields husband politics also person, cattail Lu Ye. does Zhu Xi note: of salt of dizzy of ㄒ of blood clam of of eight cliff and ill! of of of acute hearing stalk of of Zheng of extensive of bursa of of hail the stem of a herb! Dong static Qian
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