xún cháng
意思解释:(Search taste)平时。 平常。
Condition is adverbial time adverb, adverbial. One, time is adverbial. Use at adverbial modifier is being made before the verb is predicate, state behavioral behavior happened in the past. But interpret is once etc. Be like: (I tastes 1) all day and be thought of, as instantly be learned also I tastes; Zuo (Q ǐ ) and look, the rich that is inferior to uprise sees also. (a surname child · persuades to learn ) -- I once all the day dark is thought of...
寻组词、尝组词、 明洽、承宾、糜灭、根源、杯盏、杂舞、黜辱、胡貉、狂僻、铿瞑、仙裾、东夏、九山、暗魄、与告、大排、段疋、柳绵、鱼梵、寻尝、