dōng xià
意思解释:(Dong Xia)古代泛指中国东部。 金元之际的国名。金宣宗时,蒲鲜万奴据辽东自立,国号大真,历史上亦称东真。后降元;复叛,称东夏。元太宗时灭于元。参阅《元史·太祖纪》及《太宗纪》。
Sections of a city close to the city wall of water of dry moat outside a city wall is broad, lou Yinjing rise. The bird peeps willow to fall, the fish dials carry on one's shoulder ancienting name for a water catltrop to swim. Wash is sufficient cool cloud falls, Why to need hill Jian Le, ...
东组词、夏组词、 讨逐、云雀、妇仪、熟铁、一驮、补葺、后先、感受、明洽、承宾、糜灭、根源、杯盏、杂舞、黜辱、胡貉、狂僻、铿瞑、仙裾、东夏、