xíng xiāng
意思解释:(Travel is sweet)古代礼拜神佛的一种仪式。始于南北朝。初,每燃香熏手,或以香末散行。明·清时官吏每至朔望入庙焚香叩拜,或新官赴任后举行入庙焚香仪式,均称行香。 明 清 时官吏每至朔望入庙焚香叩拜,或新官赴任后举行入庙焚香仪式,均称行香。
By the host that set hold a memorial ceremony for is brought before the monk is numerous, hold those who ignite is sweet, circle trade field, next will sweet the: in inserting censer Chasm bright monks of buddhist of of Song of cleanse of of Dan of of of of Hui of hub of law of admire ~ , put blaze mouth, do obeisance to water repent. (14 · 289) ...
行组词、香组词、 哀哀、遏密、调弓、雷起、迫弄、主方、绳坠、迷乡、河阴、税绢、自信、翻戏、指舍、马扬、修薄、歉薄、怪怨、傧厌、强正、行香、