tiān lǎo
意思解释:(The day is old)相传为黄帝辅臣。《韩诗外传》卷八:“﹝黄帝﹞乃召天老而问之曰:'凤象何如?'”《后汉书·张衡传》:“方将师天老而友地典,与之乎高睨而大谈。”李贤注:“《帝王纪》曰:'黄帝以风后配上台,天老配中台,五圣配下台,谓之三公。'”后因以指宰相重臣。
Wu Yu. Below Zhejiang Jin Huayan [] . < name > day (demote) : Form of of " of cease of Xu of chapter of bastinado of of Sun an ancient wine vessel made of horn > the: with muddled analogy of fear of plinth is being told with Er rest according to forget go you are so introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad besmear! Just said to forget again with you. ...
天组词、老组词、 希向、谨识、泛潮、地着、登三、极庙、伯迹、松美、绛引、封号、皮裘、狂谲、謞激、升虚、凤笙、极微、乌青、龙宫、命体、天老、