dān xī
意思解释:(Carry tin)锡杖横担在肩上。锡,锡杖,僧人的法器。 借指僧人出行。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. 1. Maund of the Chinese system of weights and measures. Is one a unit of weight 100 jins of: Tranquil of 9 fine and soft a few millet / 3 rice / ∥ of more than 100 Chen Gu this year good weather for the crops, agricultural big bumper harvest, a mu of Tian Ke harvests 5 wheat. 2. By the noun a carring pole turn measure word, metric into load (carry) thing. Load before can add an adjective big or...
担组词、锡组词、 空尠、游征、犯触、干岗、时菊、适野、苏绣、诡逸、露劾、苍甿、首创、怀笔、马屁、漏语、散走、死斗、乐妇、丽典、异品、担锡、