yān mò
意思解释:(Annihilation)埋没。 清除,化为乌有。 埋没。
(1) is flooded. Zhang Guangchao does Xi Zhuang of pond of a kind of reed give a room yuan hang down : of regretful Ke imperial mandate! 2) is buried. Zhang Pu is 5 people gravestone written down : Amine feed arm of Mei of of sword of of bureau of cover of of calf of of cherry of the that return food container breaks through astounded of Hui of of blue to strap show off of Lu Qi thing gate of a lane to imprint! 3) is ruined. Kong Rong discuss Cheng Xiaozhang book : Spade of call on of eight Cong dead в hopes of turn mansion! Thin
湮组词、没组词、 不迪、津楼、秋毫、促膝、文榜、随驸、除去、谬得、宁人、弃责、明节、三臣、冽厉、洁清、抪覆、毗离、踩田、斗杓、朴力、湮没、