guān zhì
意思解释:(Guan Zhi)官府的政务。 官署;衙门。 器官的功能。
If elective official is not competent, how can you make the country is made the same score in political stable Qing Dynasty Point to appoint what person be an official, matter to future destiny of the country. Language minister light of · giving the Song Dynasty beg with 10 imperial examinations person thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China child : Cong of look of Ping of Xian of of Ying of city of of San few makes fun of my calamity annulus Mo Re makes v/arc be on the throne amounts to an official, the person lifts place to know, overcome assist to fair, ...
官组词、治组词、 扩建、镂镌、借宿、同好、张谋、辽阆、同席、典刑、哑人、挂毂、门第、剟取、长城、决定、凝帖、周纲、白骆、贴题、瞒唬、官治、