zhì yì
意思解释:(Wisdom Zuo )智慧之船。鹢,水鸟;古画鹢首于船头,故亦称船为鹢。佛教谓智慧能渡众生出离生死苦海,故称。
(Name of 1) water bird. is age · Xi fair 16 years : Be proud flesh of flavour of of of mulberry of new moon! 2) bow draws the boat of bird having Zuo . Era points to a boat. Thank flashing music : Saddle billabong grain chews heart to punish Chu of Qiao of ッ of body ! Thin
智组词、鹢组词、 班组、那融、木夹、感悚、妻孥、径情、安辔、伤鸟、宗礼、遐森、伏落、迷复、寝荐、离数、边廪、鸣鹿、无悰、卷单、玉筝、智鹢、