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意思解释:(Eyesight)视力。 辨别是非好坏的能力。 观察事物的能力。
眼睛在一定距离内辨清物体的能力:他~超常我们接受了~测试。眼力 yǎn lì★ “目力”适用范围较窄。“眼力”指锐利地看出事物品质如何的能力,多用于对人、畜、物品的观察、辨别,如说“人老了,眼力也变差了”。…
Is the eye inside certain distance the ability: of differentiate clear object of ★ of ì of L of of N of ǎ of of Α of Ge of Q of bath of dainty of of excuse me of post of fence of cheek of N of ancienting name for a water catltrop eyesight suitable scope is narrower. Eyesight show keen ground sees thing character how ability, multi-purpose at the observation to person, cultivate, article, discern, if say the person is old, eyesight also becomes poor . ...
目组词、力组词、 枯砚、汉剑、邪音、马蕃、禀承、营生、干化、贶别、场化、达臣、露墅、迈迈、景相、奢尚、腥闻、万籁、余众、麻袋、仗正、目力、