gōng yuè
意思解释:(Gong Yue)弯月;弦月。 古部落名。属西突厥五咄陆部,居碎叶东。亦为古地名,唐属北庭都护府,在今新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州霍城县塔勒奇城北之阿里马破城。
New moon is filled with be filled with the fine that hang evening, person as a child the courtyard recalls edge feeling. Vast sky shoots head is in Mao to fall, play music of the good pool that predict another name for Yunnan Province is too even. ...
弓组词、月组词、 披迷、晶晃、村堡、赤痢、迷踪、专祠、石磨、可离、物什、情痴、盖泉、被头、孔皆、堙废、攘挠、舒忧、扑落、鬓丝、百结、弓月、