
yī zhě

意思解释:(One person)同时称举几个人或几件事物,分别逐一叙述时用之。常与“二者”、“三者”等连用,列举事物的原因、目的或条件。 常与“二者”、“三者”等连用,列举事物的原因、目的或条件。




Point to married and the person that has amour with other opposite sex. Love by participate other marriage a third party say to be opposite justice and come. For example: Hold  of head of archives of Zhu of Ni of garden of  of approach of You of Du affectedly sweet a pavilion or house on a terrace putting in order high to wish border of    quiet cuts  of to fold of badge of show off of ┏ Lai thin  graceful hurry making fun of  delays Ci Yuan of  of the mark that believe Mian to break cook over a slow fire to say graceful excuse me of さ of Si of Jian of balance letter ê !

