máo dùn
意思解释:(Contradictory)矛和盾,比喻言行自相抵触。 辩证法上指客观事物和人类思维内部各个对立面之间互相依赖又互相排斥的关系。 犹屏障。 《宋书·萧景传》:“羣 蛮 悉渡 汉水 来降。议者以 蛮 累为边患,可因此除之。
The thing that changes generally refer to to oppose repels each other. [illustrative sentence] his word from photograph ~ . [synonymous] conflict; touchs Wu of Wu; [differentiate and analyse] conflict degree is compared contradictory deep; touch Wu , Wu it is classical Chinese word. [turn over justice] unified; is harmonious [illustrative sentence] contradictory both sides is OK below certain condition change to ~ . ...
矛组词、盾组词、 委要、深惟、位次、民艰、则例、嗣适、剧秦、蜀魂、偃商、区寰、移提、渍污、电门、冷露、缘房、手记、法匠、推辞、秋捷、矛盾、