wū jiù
意思解释:(Black joint of bones)亦作“乌桕”。落叶树。实如胡麻子,多脂肪,可制肥皂及蜡烛等。 鸟名。唐张祜逸句:“杜鹃花发杜鹃叫,乌臼花生乌臼啼。”
< renown > bulbul bird. Ancient south is dialectal. Bright Li Shizhen detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine : Rat-tat embeds engrave to blink of of remnant of tan1huan4 of lie of heart of of of arc of to record ┤ of of Shu of Jin of Shou of compose of defect dizzy Jie! Thin
乌组词、臼组词、 耕桑、养赡、猗顿、亲朋、丧门、盘剥、短学、连判、浮龄、揽总、斜罨、选名、兰槐、鹤迹、渭曲、鄙疆、五旅、凌冬、笔柱、乌臼、