
qiān shèng

意思解释:(1000 by)兵车千辆。古以一车四马为一乘。战国时期诸侯国,小者称千乘,大者称万乘。复姓。 战国 时期诸侯国,小者称千乘,大者称万乘。 复姓。




(- car of arms of Sh è Ng) (include one car 4 horses) to be multiplied. make, the emperor dispatchs troops car 10 thousand by, vassal dispatch troops car 1000 by. Because of with 1000 by era points to vassal country. is Lv age · invaded : Cling to earnestly of  of  of leg of Yi of barren of  of  of  of ⅰ of a huge legendary turtle of Hui crisp  is ill! Shelter hold Sui of  steel Li! Du Lang washs of make a present of of Dang of the す that breathe out Sha article king, ~ also; name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant, the emperor also. ...

