kuài shǒu
意思解释:(Quick worker)能手;做事迅速灵敏的人。 旧时衙署中专管缉捕的差役。 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷六:“及期,里正白不能督。 指动作敏捷,做事效率高。
Hotshot. does · of book of the Song Dynasty build smooth Wang Jingsu to pass : Boil bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of 8 cut down of the that lead thirsty makes fun of ⒕ 3 ! ┎ of Xiang of ü of clam of Xi of times Di deputy wraps up moisture in the soil of hail imperial mandate Huan of bursa country fairdyke! this arrest bandits and set. ...
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