
fǎ zé

意思解释:(Law)规律。 法度;规范。 方法,办法。




(1) law, system. a surname child is · king made :  of  of  of Ta of ammoniac chrysanthemum  ! 2) criterion, normative. south the Huaihe River child does · repair Wu :  of dizzy  of tip of  of caries of Ping pry ⒍ ! Summer of Jia of  of  of ぬ of  of short  of cut up with a hay cutter of those Zhang demit uses up quite Founder you father has ~ , the place that it is a world knows. (3) example, example. Wei entangled child · effect a permanent cure : of  of  of  of  of  of Chuo of dark a man's cap used in ancient times (4) copy...

