
jìng huà

意思解释:( word)谈佛之言。亦称法话。




(1) utterance, speech. does · of elegance of · of The Book of Songs or :  of  of cook a meal of  of  of Ju  an ancient wine vessel made of horn just! Green jade goes up Xun of hurried of ダ of Bao Dou Jin just the affection of Yue kin ~ , happy story-telling with disappear care. (2) talks say, eristic. Meng Hao like that pass old friend place of business : Fly Luo of B of  of Pi of bifurcation of  of abundant of ∑ of   Ping! Covered with clouds of A Chinese-style unlined garment of add of  of collapse ruthenium peach seeks thin why should cut in all the window illuminates on the west,

