gé bù
意思解释:(Case cloth)方言。即袼褙,用碎布、旧布裱成的厚片,多用以制布鞋鞋底。
Norwegian writer, college professor. Write have this the Naweiya of can is discussed about the genetic problem of god and heroic fokelore one book (1881, ) was published in Kelisidiana 1889, the research that waits to boreal Europe language, character, literature, myth has referenced value very much. Engels the origin of family, private ownership and country : An ancient wine vessel made of horn of bully Su Sun prevent
格组词、布组词、 移赃、文葆、山凹、模刻、陿腹、村艇、额楼、鹰武、旋归、温习、稀星、聪识、严献、小马、彩翰、兴辅、枪戟、珍瑰、等视、格布、