gé yì
意思解释:(Case is discussed)搁置的建议。 议论相悖。
Second reading agenda is agreed discuss buy negotiate a price of parliament of 1 make peace 2 discuss resolution to talk speaker of parliament of assemblyman of seat in a legislature of topic for discussion of discuss official business to discuss politics consult the proposal is become discuss my humble opinion the mass discussion of second a motion of 3 motion censure that reconsider and parliament discuss consult proposal resolution protests proposal
格组词、议组词、 疏傅、含态、交密、毕集、絮酒、翠墨、幽杀、食礼、古峭、兆古、梯崖、顺民、达声、欣怿、冷酷、秀擢、溪荪、宸京、共乳、格议、