
shí sī

意思解释:(10 think of)谓反复思虑。唐·魏征谏太宗予以慎重思考的十个方面。 唐 魏徵 谏 太宗 予以慎重思考的十个方面。




Think repeatedly. · of annals of the Three Kingdoms is · Zhu Geke passed except the ground more drink Pei Zhu:  of bewildered of A of 8 Mu broadleaf plant uses  of  of thirsty bittern Chu! Hail banter  shows Jiao Xian to be of treasure of border of  of banter of  of business of store up of a huge legendary turtle of conspicuous of ability flesh N see but be about to think content with one's lot with from Buddhist monastic discipline, will have think of know to stop in order to bring a person, read aloud tall Wei Zesai modest is strong and from herd,

