mǎi xiào
意思解释:(Buy laugh)指花钱买乐。即狎妓。 蔷薇花的别名。 娟 奉金百斤,为买笑钱。’蔷薇名买笑以此。” 蔷薇的别名。参见「蔷薇」条。
Dimple with monetary purchase. Old often point to prostitute of be improperly familiar with. Chinese fierce emperor has one beauty Li Juan, she is intelligent and crafty, have calculation quite. , li Juan accompanies Wu Di to admire the beauty of flowers, see rose sees suddenly only, if voice has a smile on his face, too many beautiful things. : of fierce emperor say By ぜ of hoarse ň be surprised says male ω otter! of λ of Lei of of Xin of collapse Chinese alligator dimple can be you bought fierce emperor answer is OK. Li Juan satisfies a lot...
买组词、笑组词、 打叠、青巾、边市、幽浚、朱襮、酸菜、幸教、洗汰、强伉、黑杀、复嶂、辽缓、赤帜、散生、枥马、攘窃、澹漠、贵裔、天吏、买笑、