jiān cù
意思解释:(Decoct hurried)谓逼迫。
[paraphrase and usage] momentum word. The frequency: of juice of decoct of metric Chinese traditional medicine Fragrant Qun ∥ of medicine of the 2nd decoct this is head decoct medicine, want to boil 20 minutes. / general Chinese traditional medicine needs to boil two simmer in water only, liquid medicine of the 3rd decoct also can fall into head decoct medicine to be boiled at the same place. [clew] decoct for isomorphic momentum word, metric the frequency that boils Chinese herbal medicine. Head decoct point to boil the first...
煎组词、促组词、 金螭、城镇、气像、佥允、推诚、硥鱼、卖老、穷难、周网、后联、战埶、年会、鸦烟、哀祈、内市、汲扬、朝庭、辽掖、壮儿、煎促、