
pì zōu

意思解释:(Out-of-the-way corners)荒远偏僻的角落。




(1) corner. history old and well-known family of suddenly of week of Hou of the crimson that write down · : Yang of liver of tribute of joint of bones of  of  of rare  of  of urgent to joke of the Jue that hold Da high is thin! : Barracks and the enclosing walls of of 1 of ā of Rou of liver food Ta. ) (2) foot of a hill. Han Yu Nanhai fane tablet : Hold fine and soft of  of  of A leg  high languid scholar Α ! The first month of the lunar year of3) the traditional Chinese calendar. does Hunan demit · leave coquettish : Is photographed carry: Scrupulously and respectfully

