xiāng zhī
意思解释:(Xiang branch)浅黄色的树枝。
(The silk of 1) buff. Xiao Tong anthology foreword : of of vinegar of of moraine of Yin of of Bo of graceful contest of amine part of the day! : of ì of Zh clothing slip-case for a book Door or window frame lives(2) buff. the mulberry on road : Ah of ginseng of countryside of of chloric stalk of ginseng resembles yo! Thin
缃组词、枝组词、 边戈、妖精、委实、郊戍、指擿、油房、来哚、无体、恶嫌、型芯、阻阂、杂志、咨对、申诉、归慕、默符、归籴、诉愿、凼肥、缃枝、