
mó gū

意思解释:(Mushroom wild rice)见“蘑菇”。




Fungus of a kind of edible. Can make food. detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine :  of Liang of action of zinc of  of Hui of  of consult of  of Xi of ┐ of ∧ of arrest of  of Shu of  of  of ざ of  of  of Shao of  of fall from the sky of  of  of sufficient Zheng of Jie Yue of  of Lin Jiao of Ju Yu of Piao of  of h of crotch of B of Α of granary of  of unreal of  of Γ of bay ⑤ assist rising abruptly washing with watercolors! Shelter swollen Qia ⒐ be good at 2 comfort vinegar of be good at green jade of plinth bay ⒐ !

