
bù zhèn

意思解释:(Not shake)不震动;不震惊。多比喻稳固。


发: 动荡。物体不受到震击,就不会动荡;人不受到激发,就不会勇猛。指人需要不断受到激发鼓励。语出汉·王褒《四子讲德论并序》:“夫雷霆必发,而潜底震动;桴鼓铿锵,而介士奋竦。故物不震不发,士不激不勇。”[例] 熟识者评价…


Hair: canister of  of sole of Gua of straw of Nai of emperor of Piao of a unit of weight used in ancient China of  plinth N changes person of caving  to be not aroused, won't bold and powerful. Need pointing to a person is aroused ceaselessly encourage. Language give Chinese · Wang Bao 4 child tell heart talking and foreword : Amine blood clam does Fu of of Qu of be soiled of barium of  of  of  offspringing ⅲ to rouse clang, and Jie Shifen Song. Reason other people not shake is not sent, person do not stimulate not brave. [exemple] the person that be familiar with is evaluated...

