shàn gàn
意思解释:(Arrogate to oneself works)随意冒犯。
Adverbial condition is adverbial. Use at adverbial modifier is being made before the verb is predicate, act on one's own, arbitrary ground or aleatoric ground go to the person that represent agent take action. But interpret is do sth without authorization , random , alone , only etc. Be like idiom blessing of bravado of arrogate to oneself , means follow one's inclinations act as a tyrant; be absent from one's post without leave , means do sth without authorization makes station from start working...
擅组词、干组词、 中点、六骡、城寺、托契、幽辟、违矫、憎风、温痕、蚧搔、出典、显地、骏雄、永宁、水湿、审议、盛时、政复、共旋、简毕、擅干、