jiū nián
意思解释:(Investigate year)终年。
Judgement is adverbial condition adverb, adverbial. One, condition is adverbial. Use at adverbial modifier is being made before the verb is predicate, the state that states behavioral behavior undertakes is detailed, complete, thorough. Can be according to Wen Yiling vivid interpret adequately , complete , thorough ground etc. Be like: (1) book is endless character, not dare investigate free. (ȸ of man of · of book of the later Han dynasty...
究组词、年组词、 跛倚、天官、伍潮、诀语、炎陬、出声、广缉、骋劳、衔持、闲谷、一轴、惟桑、传杯、按鹘、节用、抹颩、达僚、淹该、肺鱼、究年、