lún kuí
意思解释:(Lun Kui)指科举考试中夺魁为榜首。伦,通“抡”。 特指状元。
Paper break personal feeling, see alcoholic drink affection is close. Do not know to return, firework is empty from spring. Bian Chousheng rouses horn, guest dream falls prostitution. Make an appointment to be in what kind of, buy hill to put in Bo Lin 's charge. ...
伦组词、魁组词、 妆喝、折福、脱孝、划然、讨撮、农舆、北室、填食、末岁、贞妇、倦游、牟食、放倒、罗守、受孕、献行、春生、魏堤、桁条、伦魁、