tíng wéi
意思解释:(Front courtyard a side gate of an imperial palace)内舍。多指父母居住处。《文选·束晳〈补亡〉诗》:“眷恋庭闱,心不遑安。”李善注:“庭闱,亲之所居。”唐张九龄《酬宋使君见诒》诗:“庭闱际海曲,轺传荷天慈。”清刘大櫆《少宰尹公行状》:“公少而卓荦多才,遵太夫人朝夕庭闱之训,言动皆必以礼。”因用以称父母。
(The place that 1) parents lives. Bundle fill die : of of the idle that boil then cook it with sauce and water seeks disease of instruct an ancient type of spoon! 2) borrows point to parents. Du Fu send Han present oneself before of 14 Jiang Dong province :
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