guī yuàn
意思解释:(Return complain)把怨恨归于某人或某个方面。
Songzhou carries me to spend music oneself, see highbrow art and literature roll 5. Tone name namely word meaning, note move more (without) ejaculation business. gleaning of term keep under control roll 5 this is made (ask spring come for who) , double attune, 104 words, go up a charm of 11 4 narrow, play a musical sound of 10 4 narrow. This moves Song Ci only this one. ...
归组词、怨组词、 犄角、扒钉、星躔、无原、慎守、颛固、潜会、言肆、财薮、遐昌、玩绎、朱贝、贱下、开辅、明试、诱人、石瓠、大蒙、杖竹、归怨、