jiàn xià
意思解释:(Below cheap)低贱。
(1) price low: of a surname of Yan Mou lights of wait to hint] with expensive opposite. (Is 2) position low: of sunken of ⒓ Ρ hints] with expensive opposite. (3) is degrading, mean: Does modest of4) of two of high and steep of of Tu weigh the person that concerns with oneself or thing: of sing takes pigheaded5) last name. ...
贱组词、下组词、 典守、盘洿、要家、尊尚、种艺、健仰、坯陶、犄角、扒钉、星躔、无原、慎守、颛固、潜会、言肆、财薮、遐昌、玩绎、朱贝、贱下、