
jī cuī

意思解释:(Stimulate break)高亢凄怆。




(One) Cu ī breaks off. is Gan Zhuo of advance book · passed : Yo of  of Jin of Song of barge of  of  of Ru of Tang of  of Ao   ! Caboodle of Chu of Li of だ of Pi of L of idle of hail joke handsome n/HONs be unworthy of the honor dish of  box small nebula approachs a city city desire break. ③ is frustrate. Cao Cao of · of the Kingdom of Wei of the Three Kingdoms add a jujube to venerate child is the investitive in place offerred sacrifices to venerate your : ㄌ of large of  of Gui of bad news of the quail that press Ba illuminate grand! Yun of  of ぺ of  of be jealous of

