kōng fǎ
意思解释:(Empty law)佛教语。谓显示一切皆空的教理。多见于般若经部。 佛教语。谓小乘涅盘。即灰身灭智的自了境界。
行文中上下联之间空一字用以区别的断句方法。如“海纳百川有容乃大 壁立千仞无欲则刚”。…
Between couplet of the fluctuation in style or manner of writing empty the method of make pauses in reading unpunctuated ancient writings that one word in order to distinguishs. Be like sea Na Baichuan has Rong Naida 1000 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi do not have stand like a wall desire firm . ...
空组词、法组词、 添线、鱼符、杕栗、过羡、刑人、龙袱、官漏、橡胶、春酒、荐福、胶续、肮脏、病杖、文冕、中手、丹泉、幸蒙、税粟、买法、空法、