
nà liáng

意思解释:(Pay provisions)旧指完交税粮。


纳凉nàliánɡ 动乘凉。〈例〉~消暑/在树荫下~/避暑而暑为之退,~而凉逐之生。〈近〉乘凉。纳粮nà//liánɡ 动旧指交纳钱粮。〈例〉~完税/按人头纳钱~/纳了一年粮/今年收成不好,只够~。〈近〉完粮。…


Enjoy the cool ɡ of N of á of N à Li is moved enjoy the cool. < exemple > ~ disappear heat / ~ falls in shade of a tree / be away for the summer holidays and heat is retreated for it, ~ and cool those who chase is unripe. < close > enjoy the cool. à of pay provisions N / / ɡ of Li á N is moved old point to pay v/arc land tax. < exemple > ~ pay taxes / press ~ of poll pay money / accept a year of grain / harvest is bad this year, only enough ~ . < close > v/arc pay the grain tax. ...

