yī lán
意思解释:(Yi orchid)汉殿名。相传汉武帝诞生前,父景帝梦赤彘从云中而下,入崇兰阁,因改阁名为猗兰殿。后武帝生于此殿。见旧题汉郭宪《洞冥记》。 古琴曲《猗兰操》的省称。 喻情操高洁之士。
Name of musical instrument music. When according to legend is not encountered for Confucius self-wounding, pretext at glen sweet orchid and make (see is musical instrument held ) : Does Tu Sao of of ǎ of dead thistle of younger sister rotten laborious slaughter of excuse me of of an ancient wine vessel made of horn is 86 · 1123) also made Yi orchid :
猗组词、兰组词、 变计、合酺、蓬檐、怨家、物化、禁网、扩淡、销停、释警、句决、旨信、平衡、室制、谐说、仇怨、还面、谐声、宁可、济治、猗兰、