zhí hù
意思解释:(Hold scepter)拿着笏板。古时臣下朝见君王或臣僚相见时,手持玉石、象牙或竹、木的手板为礼。 称臣。
When emperor of olden and liege meet with a king or official official meet, hold hand board to be a ceremony, say hold scepter . gift gift · person meet ceremony on does the doctor meet with kid Gu Gongyan scanty: I old excuse of calamity of Mai of Xun of Ao of 3 dam! B of Tong of Bei of armour of shoot a glance at of of money Bu hands in to crouch adept fat of hot Sha ill will a nucleus hold inside scepter Chong Xian, a of city of Zhen Ying layer. ...
执组词、笏组词、 反观、阴注、赓响、逶折、覆掩、机油、罔费、精核、蒙葺、犀牛、七垢、来宾、服惨、货籍、海邦、斗嬉、尊礼、法箓、泄密、执笏、