jiǎn jìng
意思解释:(Brief diameter)简明直截。
Heaven and earth one continent small piece of land surrounded by water, north is smooth south highs. Deep and remote deep with thick, jiang Zheqing and strange. Ying Xiu of fierce Lin Po, plain collect still hill low. Should receive exhaust Tian Qiao, kind impersonal force is. Diameter hill is optimal place, cliff weighs Yu Zhi. House prevent common person to drive, the ground is...
简组词、径组词、 悠扬、优闵、山甸、别籍、污抔、屋诛、泥牛、回二、窒欲、老家、军铺、连稔、遏抑、雕笼、管综、苦切、众相、拔篲、香鸭、简径、