
hūn yūn

意思解释:(Fainting)昏沉眩晕。 昏厥;昏眩。




Lose conscious; to faint: チ of  of  of copy of Bi of bud of Bao of а sufferring from  makes fun of king crab of  moth drag.  is spun come a badge Peng sentence of the plinth that press  if word of 1400) of one one one · said phoenix elder sister to listen to little girl, enrage again urgent sad, do not become aware vomitted a blood, ~ goes, sit in underground. (Is confused; of ② of 1400) of one one one · not sober: Is Xing of Xu of Sou of harmonious of  of miscellaneous Zheng of Gou of the Huaihe River of circle of Zhang of dumpling putting in order having enough thin

