zhèng xiè
意思解释:(Zheng Xie)(1693-1765)清代书画家、诗人。字克柔,号板桥,江苏兴化人。乾隆进士。官范县、潍县知县,因得罪豪门而罢官。为“扬州八怪”之一。创“六分半书”,篆隶杂合行楷,参错纵横。画专长兰竹松石,简洁遒劲。工诗词,抒情志感,痛快淋漓。著有《板桥全集》。
1000 grind 10 thousand attack return firm interest, hold the post of wind of Er thing north and south. Zheng Xie (Xie) Zhu Shi thatched cottage hides a person to disappear, in the setting sun of several chicken dog. Zheng Xie Wei county ancient folk songs with love as their main theme (firstly) read do not beg essence of life much, blame is not much also...
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