shāng pò
意思解释:(The injury is broken)伤害,损伤。 残破。
指受伤的人害怕响声振动,需要安静疗养。〔例〕春儿,我嘱咐你: ~,最怕铜器,可别再叫那些孩子们到你院子里来扭秧歌了!(孙犁《风云初记》四五)…
Show wounded person fears noise is oscillatory, need quiet recuperate. 〔 exemple 〕 spring, do I enjoin your: of sole of of hill of gadolinium kills Jiao Pai heart to cut ┖ ⒆ to always hold in custody with chasm Jiao crane tending or guard a gate Sun Li of(of Pi of magnetism ぱ Dang write down at the beginning of wind and cloud 45) ...
伤组词、破组词、 负电、洮研、候道、腐物、枪决、麇聚、沈究、阑夕、日逐、鸣鞭、积迷、灾亩、引渡、凤灯、絮谈、奠基、胎子、宝瑟、背匙、伤破、