chén zèng
意思解释:(Dirt an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise)《后汉书·独行传·范冉》载,桓帝时以冉为莱芜长,因遭母忧,不到官,结草室而居。“所止单陋,有时粮粒尽,穷居自若,言貌无改,闾里歌之曰:'甑中生尘范史云,釜中生鱼范莱芜。'”后因以“尘甑”为形容清贫之典。
The source sees fish of boiler of dirt of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise . Dirt is born in an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise, describe poor run out of rice and fuel. Show idle of beautiful of brighting of of the Guo that press ! Thin
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