chūn bǎng
意思解释:(Spring a list of names posted up)亦作“春牓”。春试中式的名榜。指春试。 春试中式的名榜。 指春试。
Wool of not old hair on the temples is anxious, bridge of stone of heart turn towards. Demit pointing to glow 2 discipline, chant snow meets 3 morning. Lian Xipin is ascended, the Shang Zhuyao that divide corridor. Answer associate of eye old travel, avoid make lose fleabane firewood. ...
春组词、榜组词、 悲悒、不独、俶装、遗荣、易资、诛屠、炀炭、拜慰、舒怀、跳落、擹蒲、攻泄、交角、捣乱、世曲、廓平、出补、丝镛、驻眼、春榜、