yìng huà
意思解释:(Sclerotic)指物体由软变硬的一种过程。 比喻思想停止发展;僵化。
物体由软变硬:血管~生橡胶遇冷容易~,遇热容易软化。 比喻思想停止发展;僵化:思想~。…
Object by soft harden: Wan of Cong of hawk of river of a mythical bird like the phoenix of of Peng lives of Dun of at present of hot Wan of Wu! : of become rigid of of ⒄ of dog of V of the cangue that throw Liang setting out
硬组词、化组词、 喧笑、祀孤、平转、单微、降鉴、廓达、同学、富子、毒女、静尽、浅春、幕梁、天井、课长、月梢、屠羊、甘美、会非、矜恻、硬化、